
Jeux Olympiques de Paris 2024

XXXIIIe Olympiade

Paris 2024 le plus grand événement sportif de la planète

Après 100 ans Paris recevra les Jeux Olympiques d’été dans plus de 60 départements français avec l’arrivée de la flamme olympique à Paris au 14 juillet 2024, jour de fête nationale.

La Cérémonie d’ouverture sera unique réalisée sur la Seine avec 160 bateaux dédiées aux délégations que comptera avec 10 500 athlètes, les embarcations partiront du pont d'Austerlitz jusqu'à la tour Eiffel.

Voici le calendrier des JO Paris 2024:

Agence TV fait partie de cette historie avec la couverture des Jeux Olympiques depuis Sydney 2000 jusqu'à aujourd’hui pour les plus grandes TV Right Holders dans le monde, Olympic Broadcasting Services, Groupe Lagardère, CBF entre autres, vers Paris 2024.

Merci à tous !


Bande son officielle de la Coupe du Monde de la FIFA, Qatar 2022™ : le Qatar accueille le monde au son d’Arhbo

·Arhbo, dont le clip a été diffusé en avant-première vendredi dernier sur YouTube, est le nouveau titre de la bande son officielle de la Coupe du Monde de la FIFA, Qatar 2022™. Il sortira cette semaine.

·La chanson est le fruit de la collaboration entre l’artiste portoricain plusieurs fois disque de platine Ozuna et le rappeur franco-congolais Gims, premier artiste francophone à participer à la bande son officielle de la Coupe du Monde

La stratégie FIFA Sound inclut de nombreuses autres sorties musicales d’ici au coup d’envoi de la compétition

Ozuna et Gims se sont associés à la FIFA pour créer Arhbo, le nouveau single de la bande son officielle de la Coupe du Monde de la FIFA, Qatar 2022™. Après l’immense succès de Hayya Hayya (Better Together), le deuxième titre de la bande son officielle sera disponible en streaming dès le vendredi 26 août. Le clip d’Arhbo, diffusé vendredi sur YouTube, a déjà séduit de nombreux amateurs de football et de musique.

Pour RedOne, expert artistique pour la FIFA : « C’est un honneur de contribuer à la Coupe du Monde au Qatar. Nous devons montrer à quel point le football et la musique sont indissociables et combien l’événement est un hymne à la fête et au bonheur d’être ensemble. Ces événements sont rares ! C’est pourquoi il faut en profiter au maximum. Et c’est exactement ce que cherche à transmettre le titre Arhbo. ‘Bienvenue à tous, peu importe d’où vous venez ! Rassemblons-nous et dansons ensemble !’

Dérivé de « Marhaba », Arhbo signifie « bienvenue » en argot qatarien. La chanson est une ode à l’unité et à la collaboration qui caractérisent l’organisation de cette édition historique de la compétition phare du football, qui se déroulera à partir du 20 novembre prochain au Qatar.

La bande son officielle de la Coupe du Monde de la FIFA, Qatar 2022™ vise à rassembler artistes, supporters et joueurs autour de leur passion pour le ballon rond, le tout sur fond de rythmes entraînants qui illustrent ce que peut générer une association parfaite entre la musique et le football. Dans la même lignée, le nouveau titre dénote l’hospitalité qatarienne, donnant un avant-goût de l’ambiance qui règnera dans le pays dans moins de trois mois.

Pour Gims : « Arhbo est un chaleureux message d’hospitalité. Le terme veut dire ‘bienvenue’, mais il signifie bien plus que ça. C’est une célébration de notre présence ici. Arhbo met en musique ce que sera l’ambiance au Qatar au moment de la Coupe du Monde, l’un des plus grands rassemblements de la planète. Tout le monde, au Qatar comme ailleurs, pourra vraiment la vivre grâce à cette chanson. Ce sera comme si nous étions tous au Qatar ! Bienvenue !

Ozuna a quant à lui ajouté : « Je pense que le terme ‘Bienvenue’ veut tout dire. Peu importe ce qui amène une personne à un moment donné, le fait est qu’elle le vit et qu’elle doit se sentir comme chez elle. On dit bien que la maison est là où se trouve le cœur, non ? À toutes celles et ceux qui se rendront au Qatar ou qui y seront de tout cœur, nous leur disons : « bienvenue chez vous !

À l’approche du coup d’envoi de la compétition, d’autres titres élaborés par divers grands artistes seront dévoilés. La bande son officielle se veut la plus éclectique possible, conformément à la stratégie FIFA Sound adoptée l’année dernière.

Arhbo, produit par RedOne et enregistré dans les studios Katara à Doha, sera disponible sur toutes les plateformes de streaming à partir du vendredi 26 août. Visionnez le clip du nouveau titre sur la chaîne YouTube de la FIFA.

FIFA Presse

Le Botswana et la Mauritanie progressent au milieu de l’accalmie

·Le Brésil reste leader du Classement Mondial FIFA/Coca-Cola

·Calme plat dans le Top 20

·Le Botswana réalise la meilleure progression en termes de points

Avec cinq tournois majeurs organisés aux quatre coins de la planète, le football féminin international a fait les gros titres durant cet été 2022. 58 matches internationaux ont tout de même ont été disputés côté hommes, principalement en Afrique et en Asie.

Les changements au sein du Classement Mondial FIFA/Coca-Cola d’août sont certes rares, mais un duo composé de la Mauritanie (107ème, plus 3) et du Botswana (146ème, plus 3) tire tout de même son épingle du jeu. Ces deux équipes grimpent de trois rangs et signent ainsi les meilleures progressions en termes de places.

Dans le Top 50, rien n’a bougé ou presque : le Brésil (1er, - ), la Belgique (2ème, - ) et l’Argentine (3ème, - ) composent toujours le trio de tête tandis que leurs poursuivants immédiats se suivent dans le même ordre qu’en juin dernier. Seuls la RI Iran (22ème, plus 1) et le Qatar (48ème, plus 1), hôte de la prochaine Coupe du Monde de la FIFA, progressent d’une place.

Au-delà du Top 100, outre les Zèbres et les Mourabitounes, le Mozambique (116ème, plus 2) et l’Angola (120ème, plus 2) se replacent, tout comme les Bermudes (168èmes, plus 2), sachant que les nombreuses échéances internationales à venir, en septembre notamment, accoucheront nécessairement de changements plus significatifs.

Paris Saint-Germain Academy continues its strategic expansion in the Middle East by opening a school in the United Arab Emirates

A Paris Saint-Germain Academy is opening in Dubai and is getting ready to welcome its first set of young players from September onwards, for the 2022-2023 season.

The mission of the PSG Academy UAE is to provide young residents of Dubai (aged 4 to 18) with a healthy and ambitious sporting environment so that they can develop their technical and personal skills in weekly training sessions, including after-school training. The football school has set up partnerships with the region’s schools and will also offer summer camps and personalised coaching.

In the long term, the project will be rolled out across the whole United Arab Emirates.

The PSG ACADEMY UAE benefits from solid expertise as it will be run by Thallium Consulting, a consultancy firm based in the Emirates for the last 12 years, which already has several years’ experience running football academies in Dubai. The technical staff will be made up of enthusiastic, qualified and experienced coaches – some of whom are former professional players – who have been taught the Paris Saint-Germain training methods.

The aim of the PSG ACADEMY UAE will be to train the children using the Paris Saint-Germain training methods, to ensure that they improve their football skills while integrating the club’s fundamental values, which include excellence, respect, effort and teamwork. The Academy will be open to boys and girls, as well as disabled players in specially-designed training sessions.

A grand opening attended by the media, officials from Paris Saint-Germain and some of the club’s former star players will be held in January 2023.

With this locally-based expertise and ongoing guidance from the club itself, the PSG ACADEMY UAE has the goal of becoming the best football school in the United Arab Emirates.

This marks the start of a new chapter for the Paris Saint-Germain Academy, whose aim is always to provide an outstanding environment where young players can benefit from the club’s unique training methods, to enable them to develop their skills while having fun.

About the Paris Saint-Germain Academy

The Paris Saint-Germain Academy is a football school that is open to boys and girls from 4 to 17 years of age. For the 2022-2023 season, it is established in 19 different countries (USA, Canada, Brazil, France & French West Indies & French Guiana, Wales, England, Germany, Portugal, Turkey, Qatar, Kuwait, Russia, Egypt, Senegal, Rwanda, South Korea, Thailand, Japan and China), with 163 training centres.

Around 30,000 children attend the Academies every year, half of whom live in countries other than France. The Paris Saint-Germain Academy’s success reflects the Club’s ever-increasing popularity both in France and abroad.

In these training centres, around 600 coaches trained by the Club offer top-level coaching and guidance, with great attention paid to the values of excellence, fun and fair play, in order to make the experience as fulfilling as possible. The coaching at the Paris Saint-Germain Academy is representative of that of the world-renowned European club. Whether they attend the training school all year round or join a training camp during school holidays, the children benefit from top-quality coaching using Paris Saint-Germain’s training methods.

The Paris Saint-Germain Academy is part of the Club’s international development strategy and provides a doorway into the Paris Saint-Germain universe for youngsters from all over the globe.


Edouard Michut has joined English second division club Sunderland AFC on a season-long loan with an option to buy.

Edouard Michut started playing football in the Yvelines department, at FC Le Chesnay 78 and then at FC Versailles 78. After joining the Paris Saint-Germain youth academy in 2016, the "Titi" made his mark as he progressed through the U17 and then U19 categories. Under Zoumana Camara, the Aix les Bains native played in 8 Youth League matches last season and scored 2 goals.

On 27 February 2021, the young midfielder made his debut for the first team against Dijon FCO in Ligue 1. During the following season, the French U19 international played in 2 Coupe de France matches and 5 Ligue 1 matches, which allowed him to be crowned French champion with the club.

Paris Saint-Germain wishes Edouard all the best for his next season in England.


For every ticket purchased, the Village International de la Gastronomie will donate €1 to the Paris Saint-Germain Endowment fund to help finance the “Cantines Solidaires” project.

Food-lovers and sports fans from all over the globe will flock to the foot of the Eiffel Tower from the 1st to the 4th September 2022 for the 5th edition of the Village International de la Gastronomie. Over four days, more than 40,000 visitors will have the opportunity to discover culinary delights from 170 different countries and chat to exhibitors about eating healthily.

This year for the first time, the Village International de la Gastronomie supports the Paris Saint-Germain Endowment Fund. By buying a ticket to the event, visitors will help finance the “Cantines Solidaires” operation, which was set up by the endowment fund last year. This initiative – which involves distributing food to students in need, with the help last season of the StudHelp association and the Communauté écotable! – is set up at the Parc des Princes. Two editions have already been organised and enabled 400 students to enjoy a meal made on site by professional chefs, as well as participating in fun sports activities alongside young Paris Saint-Germain players.

“I am very proud to see the Village International de la Gastronomie team up with the Paris Saint-GermainEndowment Fund,” announcedAnne-Claire Descombin, President and founder of the Village International de la Gastronomie. “Food is a gateway to different cultures, a fun way of passing on values, bringing people together and helping people to integrate by sharing a culinary experience. It made sense to help the ‘Cantine Solidaire’ project, which, for us, is one of the most symbolic initiatives run by the Paris Saint-Germain Endowment Fund.”

“We would like to thank the Village International de la Gastronomie for its support of the ‘Cantines Solidaires’ programme,” added Candice Prévost, Operations Manager for the Paris Saint Germain Foundation. “In both editions held to date, the ‘Cantine Solidaire’ has helped students in need by providing them with food and essential products. This donation will enable us to continue developing this programme and to invite even more students to enjoy a day at the Parc des Princes.”

Always showing an interest in the actions led by the Paris Saint-Germain Endowment Fund, the Village International de la Gastronomie decided to support one of its newest programmes with a donation made as part of a cause-related marketing operation.

Paris Saint-Germain, through the many programmes run by its Endowment Fund, is thus using gastronomy as a tool for teaching children and young adults about the importance of nutrition and taste.

About the Village International de la Gastronomie

The Village International de la Gastronomie, whose patron is French President Emmanuel Macron, is the world’s largest event dedicated to popular cuisine. The Village’s stands are manned by national embassies and foreign communities based in Paris, who cook together for the many French and foreign visitors. The tens of thousands of people who have visited the Village since 2016 have enjoyed eating, drinking, dancing and learning about other peoples’ cultures. Created by Anne-Laure Descombin, the Village has become a wonderful showcase for world cuisine by giving the exhibiting countries an opportunity to promote their culinary traditions in a unique setting.

About the Paris Saint-Germain Endowment Fund

Founded in 2013, the Paris Saint-Germain Endowment Fund gathers donations that give fresh impetus to programmes rolled out for the benefit of disadvantaged children. Through sport and its values, we look to act in a positive, dynamic and targeted way to help young people in need. In the process, we bring comfort to sick children so that they can put their illnesses to the back of their minds for a while, encourage children to help one another and stick together, offer a programme that helps adults find their feet socially and workwise, and provide comfort for people in precarious situations. The funds we collect are used to implement actions that benefit children and young adults. It is thanks to this support that we have been able to increase the number of programmes rolled out and the number of children they help.


Paris Saint-Germain are delighted to announce the signing of Fabian Ruiz on a five-year deal, tying the Spain international midfielder to the Parisian club until 30 June 2027.

Born in Los Palacios y Villafranca, in Andalusia, Fabian Ruiz joined the Real Betis Balompié youth academy, making his first-team debut in December 2014. After winning the Spanish second division title that season, he made his La Liga bow in 2015. After a spell on loan at Elche CF, he established himself in the Betis first team, making 35 appearances in the 2017/18 season.

In summer 2018, he joined Serie A side SSC Napoli. Over four seasons with the Italian club, Fabian Ruiz played 166 games, scoring 22 goals and tallying 15 assists. The Spanish midfielder contributed to the club’s 2019/20 Coppa Italia success.

He made his Spain U21 debut in October 2017 (14 caps, 5 goals), helping them win the U21 EURO in summer 2019 and was named the tournament’s best player. He then made the step up to the senior team (15 caps, 1 goal), making his debut against the Faroe Islands in June 2019. He featured in three games at EURO 2020 for La Roja.

Fabian Ruiz: "I am delighted to join Paris Saint-Germain. It is great for me to start this new stage of my career in this country. And I am proud to be joining one of the best clubs in Europe with the best players in the world. It's a really exciting challenge."



